Thursday, February 7, 2008

Luxurious Baths - for pennies

Olive oil can be added to bath water for a skin softener.

Use tea bags in your bag to soothe a sunburn, and soak your whole body.

Condition dry hair - To give natural shine to dry hair, use a quart of warm, unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular shampoo.

Towels getting worn out? Cut them down to size, hem them and use them as wash cloths. If you own a serger, this is really quick and easy.


1 cup Epsom salts, kosher salt or other coarse salt
1 cup baking soda
6-8 drops essential oils, your fragrance choice (found at craft stores)
2 Tbs glycerin
Food coloring (optional)

Mix salt and soda together in a glass bowl. Add oil, 1 drop at a time and stir well. Add glycerin 1-2 drops at a time and stir well. Add color if you wish to match your bathroom or someone else’s because this makes a nice gift. Pour into glass jars, add a ribbon.

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